Friday 18 November 2022

Surfing and Whales

 Zihua has offered a lot of entertainment lately. Other than our usual outings such as pickleball, going to the beach, meeting up with friends, shopping, heading to the pool, or touring around on our motorbike, we had the opportunity to go to a circus or watch some surfing. Our choice was to head to Playa Linda and take in the surfing.

Ixtapa Zihuatanenjo hosted a 2022 International Surf competition at the neighbouring beach called Playa Linda which lies just north of Zihua and Ixtapa. We missed the international competition which was held last week, but we got to watch the national competitors which comprised of youngsters around 12 to 14 years in age. The surf was small, their boards were short and the talent was at the learning stage. Some competitors were able to ride the wave, do a 360 in the air with their board, and continue the ride towards shore. We didn't see anything spectacular, but it was a slightly different way to spend an afternoon at the beach, and overall it was a mildly entertaining.

The more fascinating sights were the four whales that put on a show a little further out!


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