Wednesday 30 December 2020

Pickle Ball Craze

 We have been earning how to play pickle ball, and found it to be a lot of fun. We have met a new group of people, and it's a form of exercise to add to our walks, and my yoga. Emanuel, who runs the club, is a talented athlete, who uses humor and skill to teach the game. He charges 50 pesos a person and you can play for 3 hours. That's the cheapest form of exercise I've ever come across!

                                    Emanuel Pickleball....he's on facebook....look his page up, you'll see Hoss!

With about 16 people at pickle ball today, a handful of us were able to go with Emanuel and his family for lunch. What a great restaurant, "Cocina Economica Reyna". We'll be eating here again! Delicious food! Thank you Emanuel for the invite!

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