Wednesday 6 February 2019

Zihua SailFest 2019

Zihua Sailfest is an annual event designed for cruising sailors which also raises money for needy children. Sailboats come from far away places including Canada, USA, and Caribbean to participate in what is becoming a premier sailing event in Mexico. It is a six day event, that hosts different activities that range from meet and greets, to chili cook-offs, to benefit concerts, gala dinners, sunset and music cruises. The event we chose to partake in was the Rally Around the Rock. It's a fun sailing event that is hosted by private owners that take you onto their boats and give you the opportunity to enjoy a few hours of sailing. You get to watch the captain and his mates tend to matters of the sailboat. The day was glorious and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. If we were here a couple of days longer we would have also joined the sail parade on a boat that will sail through Zihua Bay, to Ixtapa and back. 

We were the first ones to show up for our boat so we were given the task of gathering all Ziva passengers...11 in all.

                 We chose to go on a beautiful catamaran called the Ziva.

You get a different perspective of Zihua Bay from a boat.

                             This is a time-share houseboat.

                                                All the pretty sailboats.

Our captain let us cool off in the water once the rally was over.

                                                 I love this accommodation.

                              Captain Jeff
     Ziva...the boat we were on for the Rally. Such a beautiful boat.

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