Tuesday 8 April 2014

Birthday Adventures!

We celebrated Hoss's birthday with a Sunday brunch at the yacht club where Gerard and Tracey rent boats from.  We met some friends there and shared a great breakfast meal!  After totally stuffing ourselves we drove to the Masarati Polo Club to watch a US Open Polo championship match.  As never being to a polo match, and knowing absolutely nothing about the game, I had many questions!  Many of my questions had to do with financing such an expensive sport!  They call it a king's game!  The horses are gorgeous, the field gigantic, and the people range from average to fancy schmancy!  Valet parking was a continuous line of highend cars that were well over 100 grand!  Drinks are expensive...I stuck to water, and that cost me 4 bucks!  The game was fun to watch, the horses give 'er snoose, and the riders are fit, and talented!  We had a great afternoon!

                                           A Masarati.

                                         Divots, as in golf, need to be repaired.  The game is divided
                                        into periods called chukkas, and after each period, divots are
                                         repaired by grounds keepers.  At halftime, the crowd is invited onto
                                        the field to repair divots, drink champagne, and receive
                                        small tokens of appreciation from game sponsors.
                                          Not liking champagne, I stayed in the stands and took


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