Saturday 6 April 2013

Time To Say Goodbye!

Our trip has come to an end!  In one way I am glad to be going home to a place I know and love, to
be surrounded with family and friends once again.  But, I hear winter is lingering longer than it should, and I'm not thrilled to experience the last thralls of its wrath!

We were pleasantly surprised by one last unexpected night in Hawaii due to a delayed flight that had us missing our next two connections.  The airline put us up in a hotel, and we had an extra evening,
and all the next day because we weren't flying out until that night!

We are now at home, and the washing machine is getting a workout, a grocery trip has filled the fridge, the vacuum is making its roar!  Oh joy, it's almost like we never left!!

Soon we will be planning for another adventure, until then adios!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crys and Hoss!
    Just wanted to say that we loved following you guys on your great adventure and we felt like we were there right along beside you on vacation! We're going to miss checking in and seeing what great next place you were heading to! We were just in Melville for Easter and left Tuesday - the day before you came home so too bad we missed you but will be back end of July sometime! You guys have quite a bit of snow - that must have been a lil shock to the system after the weather you guys have came from for the past 3 months! Lets hope for Spring to kick in real soon! Take care!
    Ev & Ferg :)
